Freshcupâ„¢ - Micro office dishwasher

Freshcupâ„¢ pioneered a unique micro dishwasher specifically designed to clean cups in office environments. It literally operates like a revolving door, where dirty cups enter and, within a few seconds, emerge steaming, sparkling clean, and ready for reuse.


A staggering 1.5 billion single-use cups are disposed of every single day, constituting a substantial portion of global waste, and contributing significantly to environmental pollution. Moreover, many countries have set plans to ban single-use plastics by 2030, making an effective solution crucial in achieving this goal.


Freshcup serves as a unique example where design facilitates behavior change. It provides an effective solution making the transition to reusable cups a simple and delightful.


The design of Freshcup follows the classical principle of “form follows function.” It focuses on the central revolving door, which showcases the washing process through a transparent door. In order to minimize its impact on the kitchen countertop, the design team successfully reduced its footprint. Additionally, they enhanced the cleaning volume of the dishwasher to accommodate not only cups but also dishes and cutlery.


The Freshcup has accelerated the transition to reusable cups and has been adopted by many institutions world wide.

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